Inauguramos una nueva sección en este blog!! Esta nueva sección consistirá en vídeos subidos por los administradores y vídeos vuestros que podréis compartir. Esperemos que os guste!

Nueva sección

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Como ya hemos comentado anteriormente, este juego se va a actualizar constantemente y aún no es ni la mitad de lo que es en Japón. Faltan un montón de misiones y, sobre todo, personajes por salir.

Buscando un poco hemos encontrado algunas imágenes de nuevos personajes que saldrán,  ahí va un avance de los personajes que vendrán!

En esta imagen podemos ver distintas formas de Freezer y de Trunks.

En esta podemos ver a Bardock Super Saiyan y Bardock normal.

Y por ultimo en esta podemos ver la ultima forma de Freezer y a su padre, King Cold.

Desde el blog os invitamos a que compartáis capturas de pantalla de personajes que aún no han salido!! ;)

Nuevos personajes

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Esta semana tenemos otro nuevo evento en Dokkan Battle. Los saiyans hacen su aparición para proponernos un nuevo reto en "The Warrior Saiyan Race".

Si logramos pasarnos todas las fases podremos conseguir a Nappa R y a Vegeta R. Buenas unidades para gente que está comenzando con Dokkan Battle.

Nuevo Evento - The Warrior Saiyan Race

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El evento flash de la Torre de Karin sirve para conseguir un buen número de objetos para entrenar a nuestros personajes y hacerlos más fuertes de cara a los nuevos retos que nos propone Dokkan Battle. Este evento solo aparece los fines de semana a ciertas horas. Desde el blog os facilitamos el horario de los eventos en horario CET de España.

- Sábado, 1 de agosto: De 20:00 a 21:00.
- Domingo, 2 de agosto: De 20:00 a 21:00.
- Sábado, 8 de agosto: De 20:00 a 21:00.
- Domingo, 9 de agosto: De 20:00 a 21:00.
- Sábado, 15 de agosto: De 20:00 a 21:00.
- Domingo, 16 de agosto: De 20:00 a 21:00.

Si os introducís en el juego en el espacio de tiempo entre las ocho y las nueve de los días previamente señalados podréis acceder a la guest de Karin, que aparecerá en la barra de eventos.

Dokkan Battle - Horarios del evento flash "Torre de Karin"

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Hoy os vamos a hablar de los links entre personajes.

Os habéis fijado que algunas veces cuando ordenáis a vuestros personajes para atacar, estos se potencian? Pues bien, eso es gracias a los links entre personajes.

Para saber qué personaje tiene links con cuál tienes que ir a la tu lista de personajes, pinchar sobre el personaje que quieras, y luego en la parte de abajo, en sus estadísticas.

Y en el apartado de links, vemos los grupos de personajes con los que tiene links nuestro personaje. Si pinchamos en Details vemos con más detalle con que personajes tienen link y que beneficios les aporta.

Con esto conseguiremos cierta ventaja en las batallas contra nuestros rivales!!


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Nombre Rareza Tipo Max HP Max Atk Max Def Passive Skill Link Skill
Normal ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Appule - Steadfast Soldier N STR text text text ---- Frieza's Minion
Badidi's Minion - Loyal Servant N INT text text text ---- Evil Autocrats
Cell Jr. - Simple-Minded Devil N AGL 3296 2284 2400 ---- Attack of the Clones, Brutal Beatdown, The Innocents
Cell Jr. - Simple-Minded Devil N TEQ text text text ---- Attack of the Clones, Brutal Beatdown, The Innocents
Cell Jr. - Simple-Minded Devil N INT 3483 2393 2543 ---- Attack of the Clones, Brutal Beatdown, The Innocents
Cell Jr. - Simple-Minded Devil N STR text text text ---- Attack of the Clones, Brutal Beatdown, The Innocents
Cell Jr. - Simple-Minded Devil N PHY text text text ---- Attack of the Clones, Brutal Beatdown, The Innocents
Chiaotzu - Anticipated Telekinesis N INT 2990 2053 2413 ---- Crane School, Z Fighters
Cui - Fierce Raider N STR text text text ---- Coward, Freiza's Minion
Frieza Soldier - Lethal Underling N AGL text text text ---- Freiza's Minion
Frieza Soldier - Lethal Underling N TEQ text text text ---- Freiza's Minion
Frieza Soldier - Lethal Underling N INT text text text ---- Freiza's Minion
Frieza Soldier - Lethal Underling N STR text text text ---- Freiza's Minion
Frieza Soldier - Lethal Underling N PHY text text text ---- Freiza's Minion
Hercule - Undisputed Champion N INT 2859 2203 2041 Barrage World Tournament Champion, The Hercule Family, Hero, Money Money Money, World Tournament Reborn
Jewel - Capable in Love and War N TEQ text text text ---- World Tournament Reborn
Killa - Well Trained Fist N STR text text text ---- World Tournament Reborn
Pinter - Unarmed Power N AGL text text text Barrage World Tournament Reborn, More Than Meets the Eye
Pirate Robot - Deep Sea Guardian N TEQ text text text ---- Mechanical Menaces
Pui Pui - Warrior from Planet Voon N AGL 3136 2491 1834 Barrage Evil Autocrats
Red Ribbon Army - Infamous Army N AGL text text text ---- RR ARmy
Red Ribbon Army - Army of Infamy N TEQ text text text ---- RR ARmy
Red Ribbon Army - Infamous Army N INT text text text ---- RR ARmy
Red Ribbon Army - Infamous Army N STR text text text ---- RR ARmy
Red Ribbon Army - Infamous Army N PHY text text text ---- RR ARmy
Saibamen - Earthborn Warrior N AGL 1422 1201 762 ---- Infighter, New
Saibamen - Earthborn Warrior N TEQ text text text ---- Infighter, New
Saibamen - Earthborn Warrior N INT text text text ---- Infighter, New
Saibamen - Earthborn Warrior N STR text text text ---- Infighter, New
Saibamen - Earthborn Warrior N PHY 1827 1568 1188 ---- Infighter, New
Spopovich - Ominous Will N PHY text text text ---- Brutal Beatdown, Tough as Nails, Evil Autocrats
Tien - The Way of Battle N STR 3331 2411 1901 ---- Crane School, Z Fighters
Videl - Slayer of Evil N STR text text text ---- The Hercule Family, Cool Judgement, Money Money Money, Infighter, Battlefield Diva
Yakon - Assassin in the Shadows N AGL text text text ---- Evil Autocrats
Yamcha - Wolf of the Gale N TEQ 3120 2242 2348 ---- Z Fighters, Turtle School
Yamu - Wicked of Heart N INT text text text Barrage Evil Autocrats, Demon Duo
Nombre Rareza Tipo Max HP Max Atk Max Def Passive Skill Link Skill
Rare ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Android #16 - Ironclad Intentions R PHY 5974 3664 3894 Counterattack Android Assault, Mechanical Menaces, Gentleman
Android #16 - Nature-loving Warrior R TEQ 3575 2269 2090 Perfect Form Android Assault, Mechanical Menaces, Gentleman
Android #17 - Escalating Threat R PHY 4012 2565 3303 text text
Android #17 - Free at Last R AGL 4260 2745 2374 Full Throttle Android Assault, Twin Terrors, The Innocents
Android #18 - Cold Analytics R PHY 4708 3628 3751 Full Throttle Android Assault, Twin Terrors, The Innocents, Battlefield Diva
Android #18 - Fancy Footwork R AGL 4054 3089 2504 text text
Android #19 - Cold-blooded Vandalism R PHY 5600 3651 1803 Latent Power Android Assault, Tough as Nails
Android #19 - Killer Instinct R PHY text text text text text
Android #19 - Target Confirmed R STR 3436 2624 2343 text text
Burter - Unfathomable Speed R AGL 4914 3777 2350 text text
Captain Ginyu - Captain's Merit R STR 5147 3998 2702 Teamwork The Ginyu Force, Gentleman, Respect
Captain Ginyu - Considerate Captain R INT 3957 2430 2622 ---- The Ginyu Force, Gentleman, Respect
Cell Jr. - Tiny Terror R PHY text text text text text
Chiaotzu - Daring Interception R TEQ 3778 2502 2382 Psychokinesis Z Fighters, Master and Pupil, Crane School, Telekinesis, Dodon Ray
Chiaotzu - Trickster R TEQ 3359 2726 2600 Supernatural Power Z Fighters, Master and Pupil, Crane School, Telekinesis, Courage
Chi Chi - Earnest Passion R INT text text text Affection All in the Family, Battlefield Diva
Chi Chi - Surging Rage R STR 3436 3222 2314 ---- All in the Family, Battlefield Diva
Cui - Craving of Battle R INT 3229 2077 2141 First Attack Coward, Frieza's Minion
[Cymbal - Demon's Disciple]() R PHY text text text text text
Dodoria - Obsticle Eliminator R STR 3341 2759 2277 Latent Power Coward, Frieza's Army, Frieza's Minion
Dodoria - Storm of Destruction R PHY 4090 2541 2856 ---- Coward, Frieza's Army, Frieza's Minion
Drum - Terror's Descent R AGL text text text Latent Power Demon, More than Meets the Eye
Dr. Gero - Mad Scientist's Revenge R TEQ text text text Energy Absorption Android Assault, RR Army, Flee
[Dr. Gero - Precise Action]() R INT text text text text text
Fusion Machine Pilaf - Unquenchable Ambition R INT 3105 2236 1908 Pure Tenacity Mechanical Menaces, Brutal Beatdown, Brainiacs
Gohan(Kid) - Resistance of Tyranny R PHY 4626 3401 3810 Latent Power All in the Family, Z Fighters, Berserker, Demon
Gohan (Kid)- Slumbering Strength R TEQ 3844 4678 2419 Courage All in the Family, Z Fighters, Sibling
Gohan(Kid) - Steely Determination R INT 5523 3035 3337 Dormant Saiyan Power All in the Family, Z Fighters, Berserker, Demon
Goku - Overflowing Resolve R TEQ 3948 4007 2920 Super Power Z Fighters, All in the Family, Best Buddies, Strongest Duo on Earth, Sibling
[Guldo - The Timestopper]() R INT 3023 2062 2130 text text
Guldo - Well-Played Trump Card R TEQ text text text Teamwork The Ginyu Force, Telekinesis, Brutal Beatdown, Brainiacs
Gymbal - Demon's Disciple R PHY 2693 2082 2084 text text
Hercule - Champion's Honor R INT 3689 2313 1751 Lucky Punch World Tournament Champion, The Hercule Family, Hero, Money Money Money, World Tournament Reborn
Jeice - Lesson in Fear R TEQ 4352 2585 2443 Teamwork The Ginyu Force, Tag Team of Terror
Jeice - Elite Squadron's Pride R STR text text text Teamwork The Ginyu Force, Tag Team of Terror
Krillin - Competitive Comrades R PHY 2860 2170 2969 Earthling's Pride Z Fighters, Turtle School, Courage, Best Buddies
Krillin - Passionate Friendship R STR 2452 1847 1370 text text
Mercenary Tao - Living Weapon R INT text text text Assassin's Pride Crane School, Brutal Beatdown, Coward
Mercenary Tao - Professional Tactician R AGL 2884 2362 1857 Adversity Crane School, Crane School, Coward, Brutal Beatdown, Dodon Ray
Nail - Facing Fate R INT text text text ---- Namekians, Cold Judgement, Hero
[Nail - Namek's Last Warrior]() R TEQ 3554 2429 2746 text text
Nappa - Devastating Destruction R PHY 4355 2830 2802 text text
Nappa - Inevitable Preemptive Strike R STR 3084 2594 1870 ---- Saiyan Warrior Race, Brutal Beatdown, Tough as Nails, New, Infighter
Piccolo - Aloof Warrior R INT 3809 2091 2334 Playing Dead Z Fighters, Prodigies, Demon, Namekians, Attack of the Clones
Piccolo - Burdened by Destiny R TEQ 5788 3486 3409 Morale Z Fighters, Brainiacs, Demon, Namekians
Raditz - Menacing Alien Warrior R AGL text text text Perfect Guard Sibling, Saiyan Warrior Race, Coward
Raditz - Space Invader R TEQ 4433 2765 2862 First Attack Sibling, Saiyan Warrior Race, Coward
Recoome - Dazzing Destruction R PHY 4788 3524 3515 text text
Recoome - Death Sentence R STR 4389 3914 2832 Teamwork The Ginyu Force, Brutal Beatdown, Tough as Nails, Infighter
Shen - Exquisite Technique R INT 2716 2005 2345 text text
Spopovich - Savagery Unleashed R TEQ text text text --- Brutal Beatdown, Tough as Nails, Evil Autocrats, Demon Duo
Tambourine - Ghoulish Burst R STR text text text text text
Tien - Lightning Onslaught R PHY 3994 2873 3174 Abandonment Z Fighters, Master and Pupil, Crane School, Courage, Rival Duo
Tien - Unwavering Spirit R AGL 3289 2995 2477 Restraint Z Fighters, Master and Pupil, Crane School, Cold Judgement, Rival Duo
Trunks(Teen) From Hell and Back R AGL 3135 2525 2061 Enthusiasm The Vegeta Family, Cold Judgement, Messenger from the Future
Yajirobe - A Moment's Chance R PHY 3060 2224 2747 Assassin Tough as Nails, Infighter, Coward, Flee
[Yajirobe - Cowardly Savior]() R PHY 3272 2090 2291 text text
Videl - Buried Passion R STR 4482 3259 2566 Proof of Effort The Hercule Family, Cool Judgement, Money Money Money, Courage, Battlefield Diva
[Videl - Paragon of Justice]() R AGL text text text text text
Yakon - Light-Devouring Beast R AGL text text text text text
Yamcha - The One and Only R TEQ 3733 2689 2539 text text
Yamcha - Unwavering Confidence R AGL text text text Desert Wolf Z Fighters, Turtle School, Speedy Retribution, Infighter, Rival Duo
Yamu - Malicious Scheme R TEQ text text text text text
Zarbon - Confident Grin R PHY text text text Latent Power Metamorphosis, Frieza's Army, Frieza's Minion
Zarbon - Display of Strength R STR text text text Hidden Strength Metamorphosis, Frieza's Army, Frieza's Minion
Nombre Rareza Tipo Max HP Max Atk Max Def Passive Skill Link Skill
Super Rare ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Android #16 - The Warrior Awakens SR STR text text text The Mission Android Assault, Mechanical Menaces, Gentleman
[Android #16 - Power Unleashed]() SR PHY text text text text text
Android #17 - Dauntless Runner SR AGL 6633 6232 3765 Limitless Power Android Assault, Twin Terrors, The Innocents
Android #17 - Free at Last SR STR 4260 2745 2374 text text
Android #17 - Infinite Fighting Spirit SR TEQ text text text Overwhelming Power Android Assault, Twin Terrors, The Innocents
Android #18 - Alluring Assassin SR STR text text text Full Power Android Assault, Twin Terrors, The Innocents, Battlefield Diva
Android #18 - Beautiful but Deadly SR AGL text text text Limitless Power Android Assault, Twin Terrors, The Innocents, Battlefield Diva
Android #19 - Calculated Combat SR AGL text text text Energy Absorption Android Assault, Tough as Nails
Burter - Speed Tactics SR AGL 6853 5620 2904 Fastest Thing Alive The Ginyu Force, Speedy Retribution, Tag Team of Terror
Captain Ginyu - Brilliant Battle Prowess SR INT 6560 3606 3651 My Choice The Ginyu Force, Gentleman, Respect
Captain Ginyu - Honorable Fighter SR INT 5643 3411 3273 Captain's Character The Ginyu Force, Gentleman, Respect
Cell(1st Form) - Android Evolution SR AGL 4364 3662 3142 Absorption Flee, Messenger from the Future, Big Bad Bosses, Kamehameha, Attack of the Clones
Cell(1st Form) - Time-traveling Evil SR TEQ 6720 5616 4553 Energy Absorption Flee, Messenger from the Future, Big Bad Bosses, Kamehameha, Attack of the Clones
[Chiaotzu - Power at the Eleventh Hour]() SR TEQ text text text text text
[Chiaotzu - The Gifted One]() SR INT text text text text text
Chi Chi - Heart of Innocence SR STR text text text Pinky Swear All in the Family, Battlefield Diva
Cui - Imminent Showdown SR STR text text text Unexpected Attack Coward, Frieza's Minion
Dr. Gero - Cunning Strategy SR INT 6664 4456 3573 Energy Absorption Android Assault, RR Army, Brainiacs, Flee
Dr. Gero - Red Ribbon Army's Grudge SR INT text text text text text
Dodoria - Reckless Rage SR PHY text text text Eliminate Them! Coward, Frieza's Army, Frieza's Minion
Gohan(Kid) - Exploding Rage SR PHY text text text Berserker's Fury All in the Family, Z Fighters, Berserker
Gohan(Kid) - Unrelenting Fighter SR STR text text text Ultimate Blow All in the Family, Z Fighters, Berserker
Goku - Determined Defender SR AGL 7179 5590 2768 Adversity Z Fighters, All in the Family, Sibling, Kamehameha, Strongest Duo on Earth
Goku - The Saiyan Among Us SR STR 6217 5419 3165 Latent Power Z Fighters, All in the Family, Infighter, Kamehameha, Best Buddies
Guldo - Master of Magic SR TEQ text text text Paralysis The Ginyu Force, Telekinesis, Brutal Beatdown, Brainiacs
Frieza(1st Form) - Despair's Onslaught SR STR 6720 6120 3505 text text
Frieza(1st Form) - Emperor of Iniquity SR STR 5410 3820 Overwhelming Power Big Bad Bosses, Prodigies, Frieza's Army, Metamorphosis, Universe's Most Malevolent
Hercule - Hero Chosen by Earth SR INT 5933 4193 2867 text text
Jeice - Maximum Firepower SR STR text text text Teamwork The Ginyu Force, Tag Team of Terror
Krillin - Fruits of Labor SR TEQ text text text Moment of Truth Z Fighters, Turtle School, Courage, Best Buddies
Krillin - Martial Stability SR TEQ 5194 4484 3301 Earth's Strongest Z Fighters, Turtle School, Courage, Best Buddies
Master Roshi - Martial Guidance SR AGL 5095 3439 2331 Master's Teachings Respect, World Tournament Champion, Turtle School, Kamehameha, Supreme Warrior
Master Roshi - Secrets of the Turtle Style SR STR 4962 5351 2596 Master's Teachings Infighter, World Tournament Champion, Turtle School, Kamehameha, Supreme Warrior
[Master Shen - Crane School's Prestige]() SR INT text text text text text
Mercenary Tao - Unrivaled Assassin SR AGL text text text Assassin's 20th Anniversary Crane School, Supreme Warrior, Brutal Beatdown, Coward
[Nail - Call of Duty]() SR INT text text text text text
Nappa - Cruel Tactics SR TEQ text text text Quick Temper Saiyan Warrior Race, Brutal Beatdown, Tough as Nails, Berserker, Infighter
Nappa - Elite Warrior's Rage SR STR text text text Kill Them All Saiyan Warrior Race, New, Tough as Nails, Berserker, Infighter
Nappa - Saiyan Baptism SR PHY 5620 4533 3231 Destruction Blow Saiyan Warrior Race, Brutal Beatdown, Tough as Nails, Berserker, Infighter
Piccolo - Demonic Pride SR INT 8870 5647 4055 Regenerative Power Z Fighters, Prodigies, Brainiacs, Namekians
[Piccolo - Stern Teacher]() SR AGL text text text text text
[Raditz - Cocky Counter]() SR PHY text text text text text
Raditz - Peerless Saiyan SR TEQ text text text Desperation Sibling, Saiyan Warrior Race, Coward
[Recoome - Never-Ending Assault]() SR PHY text text text text text
Tien - Aura Unleashed SR TEQ text text text Warrior's Spirit Z Fighters, Master and Pupil, Crane School, Cold Judgement, Rival Duo
Tien - Respect to the Strong SR STR 5606 5657 3054 Perspiration Z Fighters, Master and Pupil, Crane School, Courage, Rival Duo
Trunks(Teen) - Blitz Blade SR TEQ 5947 4685 3790 No More Games The Vegeta Family, Cold Judgement, Messenger from the Future
Trunks(Teen) - Hawk Eyes SR AGL 3135 3535 2061 text text
Yamcha - Burning Spirit SR STR text text text Focus Z Fighters, Rival Duo, Turtle School, Speedy Retribution, Kamehameha
[Yamcha - Indomitable Human Spirit]() SR AGL text text text text text
[Yamcha - Secret Arts Unleashed]() SR AGL text text text text text
Vegeta - Extreme Elite's Pride SR PHY 6066 4773 4818 Warrior Race Saiyan Warrior Race, The Vegeta Family, Big Bad Bosses, Prodigies
Vegeta - Genius of War SR TEQ 5994 4875 3856 Prince's Price Saiyan Warrior Race, The Vegeta Family, Big Bad Bosses, Prodigies
Vegeta - Saiyan Elite SR AGL 5729 6063 2977 Super Elite Strength Saiyan Warrior Race, The Vegeta Family, Prodigies, Bombardment, Over 9000
Videl - Blazing Justice SR STR 5244 4877 2436 Proof of Effort The Hercule Family, Cool Judgement, Courage, Infighter, Battlefield Diva
[Zarbon - Evil Elegance]() SR AAA text text text text text
Zarbon - Hidden Strength SR INT 6369 5373 4426 text text
Nombre Rareza Tipo Max HP Max Atk Max Def Passive Skill Link Skill
Super Super Rare ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Super Saiyan Gohan(Teen) - Successor of the Strongest SSR INT 7105 7309 3299 Awakening Super Saiyan, Saiyan Warrior Race, Golden Warrior, Gaze of Respect, Kamehameha
Super Saiyan Goku - Convulsing Rage SSR STR 7914 7286 3767 Warrior of Hope Super Saiyan, Saiyan Warrior Race, Golden Warrior, Kamehameha
Super Saiyan Goku - Supreme Warrior Awakened SSR AGL 8282 7136 3857 Berserker's Rage Super Saiyan, Saiyan Warrior Race, Golden Warrior, Kamehameha
Super Saiyan Vegeta - Pride Regained SSR TEQ 7920 6700 4325 Saiyan's Pride Super Saiyan, Saiyan Warrior Race, Golden Warrior, The Vegeta Family
Super Saiyan Vegeta - Super Attack Supreme SSR PHY 7127 6493 5429 The True Prince Super Saiyan, Saiyan Warrior Race, Golden Warrior, The Vegeta Family
Piccolo - Namekian Rage SSR PHY 8469 6334 3620 Divine Protection Z Fighters, Prodigies, Strongest Duo on Earth, Namekians, Gaze of Respect

DBZ: Dokkan Battle - Personajes

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